
Co-creating and hosting creative and cultural events in the parish

The Secret Picnic

Working with our local Creative People and Places project to host a creative picnic in-between national lockdowns. Greater Creative hosted ‘The Secret Picnic’ by CPP organisers ‘First Art’, opening the gates to Blackwell Cricket Ground for the wider community to enjoy the nostalgic greenspace. 145 residents were invited to the secret picnic, with 140 attending the day. The event featured top notch performances and family workshops (socially distanced of course), each family got their own spot with picnic blanket, deck chairs, picnic basket filled with scrummy food, a side table and décor, crafting goodies, ribbon wands and the legendary sweat bands and tins of beans for the exercise class!

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

‘Greater Creative’ had a great weekend supporting the jubilee activities in Blackwell Parish. Platform Thirty1 worked with some of the local resident voluntary community groups to apply for a grant to the National Lottery last year in hope to do some free fun activities across the parish to celebrate the platinum jubilee. We were very fortunate to recieve some funding which was then used alongside committee groups to co-ordinate free events for the parish.

The events were promoted throughout social media, through our Facebook page and other local pages, and lots of printed posters went to schools and to doorsteps to help get the word out and to help make our parish jubilee celebrations a success.

It really was wonderful to see lots of people out and about enjoying a picnic and catching up with friends and despite the weathers best efforts with some wind and rain people still came out to contribute and support all of the efforts of the volunteers helping to put on these events.


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