Trips & Visits

Opportunities for children and families to visit inspiring and creative heritage and cultural sites beyond the parish

Blackwell Primary School visit Wakefield’s Mining Museum

Pupils from Blackwell Primary School were taken on a very special visit to the National Mining Museum in Wakefield. As well as their class teachers they were accompanied by Greater Creative working party member Ian Newham and also local artist Emma Reynard.
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Barrow Hill Roundhouse and Butterly Midland Railway

You may remember back our competition when we asked you how many cans of paint it took to paint this mural in Westhouses? Well it took a whopping 275 cans!

One family from Blackwell had the nearest guess (by a country mile) of 280 cans! What a great guess!! Their victory led them to get all aboard to visit the local museum at Barrow Hill that boasts Britain’s last surviving working Roundhouse!

Also, remember the railway brothers from Westhouses who’s dad drove the very train that was sprayed on the train mural? (Read that blog post here) Well, their stories were so amazing that they’ve been involved in a local oral history heritage project with us (and we can’t wait to reveal this soon)… but the brothers took to the tracks with Greater Creative working party member Pam and ‘One Little Duck’ Creative Wendy Ducksbury!


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Trips & Visits